Posted By Puja Kumar |2021-05-08 14:28

How to clear job interviews with ease?


Whether you are a teacher at an organization with a big trade name and enormous numbers of students or a simple home school teacher with a handful of students striving to excel in your field, it is always beneficial to have top-class quality stationery supplies in hand. If you have entered fresh into this profession, then it might become an overwhelming task to meet all the requirements of a teacher’s job; be it preparing lesson plans, correcting the assignments or engaging in doing some homework for yourself before going into the class.
Before buying some teaching-oriented stationery items as a beginner, you must keep in mind that you’re buying products to systematically organize your workload and not to increase the aesthetics or beauty of your room. Hence, there’s no need to buy beautiful, fancy or sparkling products which will cost you your arm and leg. Here are some budget-friendly items that can help you in long run.
1. Highlighters –
Highlighters or marker pens are a few of the basic materials which are must-have on your tables and shelves. Imagine yourself in a situation where you have to prepare an entire lesson before going into the class the next day. It’s obvious you don’t have time or patience to remember each line, which is why you need markers of different colours to highlight important lines and you’ll remember those lines for a prolonged period.
2. Whiteboards –
Not so new yet not so old. Whiteboards at home can help you out even when you’re rehearsing a concept for your students so that you’ll be spontaneous in the class the following day. Let’s be honest, not every new teacher is acquainted to face a class/gallery full of students before starting the job. Whiteboards can also help if you are taking classes or tuitions at home.
3. Post-it pads –
Post-it pads or sticky notes are the best things if you are one of those who loves to keep everything in order. You can easily use these sticky notes as bookmarks, to jot few important points down or even to label different journals. It can help you prevent mixing up all your documents and notes.
4. Staplers, pins, paper clips, pens, glue –
These lowkey devices will never get old unless our government passes a bill for the country to go entirely paperless. These are beneficial to set bunch of papers together so that a single important sheet doesn’t go missing and you don’t land yourself in trouble.
5. Calculators –
It is common for everyone to carry smartphones that have calculators in-built. But it cannot replace an electronic calculator, because it doesn’t run out of battery each day, unlike phones. Calculators can help you to calculate the scores of the students, especially when you’re not a number genius. No need to be guilty about it.
6. Dairy or Journal –
Dairy or a journal is always a stress buster for a teacher. It can help you to record all the data about students, the organization, your time table and lesson plan, etc.
These were some of the basic and necessary stationaries which a teacher must have in hand. Things like these are not big-budget equipment and can ease some of the challenges that you can face in this field as a fresher.


About Author

  • Puja Kumar

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