
Teaching is not confined only to school classrooms

Share your knowledge and skills with not just children or students but with people from different walks of life. Imparting skills training is one of the greatest gifts that you can give to society during this lockdown.

Session Duration
3 Day(s)
Duration per day  
2 Hours
Session Language  

Teaching Boys is Different

Session By Mr. Haitham Ahmed

Teaching boys requires an understanding of how boys learn and how they respond in the classroom. With over 30 years of experience as a teacher and a principal this course will discuss how teachers can adjust their pedagogy and classroom management techniques to provide an optimum learning environment for both genders in their classroom. Small changes in your approach can reduce teacher frustration and adjust expectations.
Session Details

About Instructor :
Estonian Training, Coaching, Consulting company
Target Audience
Learning Outcome
Teachers will review the psychology of boys vs girls
Teacher's training development skills online training online teacher training seminar webinar events