
Teaching is not confined only to school classrooms

Share your knowledge and skills with not just children or students but with people from different walks of life. Imparting skills training is one of the greatest gifts that you can give to society during this lockdown.

Start Date
1 Jul 2020 4:00 PM
End Date
1 Jul 2020 5:00 PM
Session Duration  
1 Hour
Session Language  

Exponential Growth Through Virtual Learning

Session By Ms. Veena Raizada and Ms. Sapna Sukul

Exponential Growth Through Virtual Learning:
Our prominent guests Ms. Veena Raizada and Ms. Sapna Sukul will discuss about the topic.
Session Details

About Instructor :
Veena Raizada:
35+ years of experience - A Passionate Educator, Founder Principal of 3 Educational Institutions, CBSE-Resource Trainer, Academic lead to Integrating technology into education with CCE, LABS and Curriculum development work at NEXT including the K-5 Curriculum, the first ever publication venture of Next.
Ms. Sapna Sukul:
In a career spanning 25 years in the field of education, Sapna Sukul has explored many areas which have added immense value to all the institutions that she has served. Her innovative learning methods and teaching techniques too are often recalled by many of her students. While working at schools she has focused on giving more exposure to children.
Target Audience
Those who have interest in education sector specially in India’s Higher Education
Learning Outcome
Exponential Growth Through Virtual Learning
Teacher's training development skills online training online teacher training seminar webinar events